God promises to protect us. (Study)

Declare today that the Lord is your protector.

As a believer, it is important that we declare our belief in God's protection as a way to affirm our faith and trust in Him. By proclaiming that we rely on Him for protection, we show our commitment to Him and invite His presence and guidance in our lives.
As you reflect on your life and where the Lord has protected you, that should serve as an amazing reminder that He holds your life in the palm of His hand. Through every moment of every day, we are not alone in facing challenges. God is always with us. He provides strength, comfort and protection.

Verse to Memorize

“This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.” (Psalm 91:2)

Pursue the Promises

Throughout 2024, every Monday morning by 7:00 AM, we will post a new video from Pastor Shane or an article written by a member of our staff that connects to that month’s featured promise. Learn more.



