We Are Called

We might not know the “why” to certain situations, but we know Jesus will work all things out for His glory!

One of the things I truly love about Jesus is that He never sugarcoats or says things to placate our feelings. He is Truth, and He always speaks truth to us. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us plainly that we will each endure tribulations, trials, problems…whatever your synonym of choice is…in this world. It is an unavoidable truth. And it is also one of the main arguments I have heard over the years from those who do not hold to our faith in Jesus Christ.  

“If God is so good, why did He allow…?”  
“If God is so loving, why didn’t He stop [fill in the blank]…from happening?”
“If God…”

If we are honest, I am pretty certain that most of us have had moments in our lives where we asked the same questions. Whether it was during a season of sickness or loss, financial problems, or issues with family members or friends, we found ourselves in a position of helplessness.

Or, as I prefer to view it today, in a position of complete dependency upon God. We knew the outcomes that we desired, but sometimes things didn’t turn out according to our hopes or plans. And then the doubts, the fears, the pain sneak in, and we raise our fists in despair because we just can’t see God in the midst of all of it… “Where were you, God?”

Those who know me understand that there is probably not enough pages or time for me to pen down all the trials that I have had to endure or overcome in this life. And I can tell you with all honesty that I asked those very same questions countless times before I came to saving faith in Jesus.

Being raised Jewish, I knew there was a God, but where was He in my situation, in my grief, in my pain growing up? I could not see Him and, truth be told, I was mad at Him for a long time.

And then Jesus met me where I was at in life. Lost. Hurting. Confused. Broken. And He led me down a path that ultimately led to CLA. And then He put the most loving, humble, Christ-following, imperfect people I have ever met who helped walk alongside me and change my everything!

I have watched people go through the most difficult of situations and still remain faithful and full of hope. I saw people who could have turned to other things to block the pain of their trials turn to Jesus and find healing and peace and everything that He offers us. I needed that in my life.

Romans 8:28 shares, “… for those who love God…”

This immediately answers my question as to why I didn’t see the positive results in my life before I knew Jesus. Simply put, I didn’t know Jesus. And to know Jesus is to love Him! And if we love Him, then we honor Him, praise Him and worship Him with all that we are and all that we have! And, as a result of our love of God and our faith in Him, we get to see how, “…all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Church, we are the “called!” We might not know on this side of Heaven the “why” to certain situations, but because we love and trust Jesus, we know that, because of His great love for us, He will absolutely work all these things out for our benefit and His glory! And we know this because He said so in His Word! And we know this because we can see it in the lives of those we surround ourselves with who love God!

As I stated previously, it was witnessing the faith of those people I have met within this church that has helped to open my eyes to the love and goodness of God! Certainly, there have been countless trials and those who were suffering greatly. But the victories through it all? Those who have had their faith built up to the highest levels through all of the pain and fear, and whatever the enemy threw at them? Countless!

And then I was privileged to watch as they lived out their faith, helping others to walk through their journeys in the valley with grace, and love and mercy, ultimately finding hope and peace and healing in Jesus!  

When we choose to follow Jesus, it is not about having the easy, pain-free life. What I have found and have been blessed with is the building of my faith through the most turbulent storms in this life. And I have done so because I have never been alone through any of them. God has been with me, and He has brought the most amazing people to walk beside me, to encourage me, to hold me up when I couldn’t take another step.

Because, only going through the valley, can we ever truly see the good that God was able to bring about from the tribulation, the trials I had to endure along the way.

I close with Psalm 20:7, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.”

Verse to Memorize

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28)

Pursue the Promises

Throughout 2024, every Monday morning by 7:00 AM, we will post a new video from Pastor Shane or an article written by a member of our staff that connects to that month’s featured promise. Learn more.



