Christian Life Assembly
We experience God's presence when we worship. When we seek Him with all of our hearts and surrender our lives to Jesus, the Holy Spirit moves in a powerful and personal way.
Join the team.
If you are a vocalist or musician interested in becoming part of our Worship Team (band/vocals) or Choir, we would love to meet you.
Worship with us.
We produced these albums with the desire to help you pursue a deeper, more intimate encounter with our great God. Worship Him with all your heart and surrender your life to Him. These albums are available on Spotify or iTunes.
This is why we worship.
To fully focus on Jesus.
Our goal is to make Jesus the focus and help usher in the presence of God. We believe in creating an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can accomplish supernatural things. We select worship songs that align with God's Word and help people connect with Him.
God is our creator, redeemer and closest friend. Worship captures our attention, draws us in and helps us focus on Him. We want people to see God, experience His presence and be changed.
God is our creator, redeemer and closest friend. Worship captures our attention, draws us in and helps us focus on Him. We want people to see God, experience His presence and be changed.
The goal in everything we do is to offer our lives and gifts to God by helping people connect to Him. He holds real power, real peace and real hope that are available to each of us.
To see people fully engaged in and experiencing the presence of God through worship.
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. John 4:23