

The CLA Kids Team is excited to partner with you to help your children grow in their relationship with Jesus. They will experience this growth through our Sunday kids' church services and small groups, Wednesday programs, and various opportunities to serve others and grow as leaders.
CLA Kids offers in-person services as part of our Sunday morning worship experience. These services are held at 9:00 and 11:00 AM for kids (birth-grade 5) and are available online. On Wednesday evening, kids continue to grow in their faith through various discipleship programs designed just for them!

CLA Kids Online

For those families who choose to participate online, we want to be sure to provide you with tools to help your kids experience church from home! We encourage you to engage with your kids on the topics being taught. Watch here. Please check out our other resources below to help you talk about possible "next steps" with your kids on their faith journey. And stay connected with us on social media!

What to expect.

First-Time Guests
 When your family arrives on our campus, please visit our first-time guest area in CLA Kids. One of our Volunteer Leaders will greet you and walk you through our simple check-in process.  Our team will also help you find your child's classroom or the kids' church area, and connect your child with a new friend to help ensure they feel welcome right away.

Helpful Tip:
  • Arrive 15 minutes prior to service time to complete the check-in process.
  • Complete the New Guest Registration by clicking on the button above to save some time.
Returning Guests
Our computerized process makes it quick, safe and straightforward to check your kids in and out of their classrooms and the kids' church area. You may check-in your child at any of the check-in stations using the last four digits of your phone number or the Church Center app. After finding your child's name in the database, tags will be printed with matching unique identification details for that visit. Please note:

  1. Your child's name tag is to be worn during service.
  2. Hold onto your parent tag; you will need this at pick up.
  3. For kids birth-age 2, a third tag will be printed for your child's changing bag.
Safety & Security 
We go to great lengths to make sure your child is safe while on campus with us. Please note:
  1. Each of our volunteers has been trained and screened with background checks to verify their level of quality and character.
  2. Your family will be assigned a random, three-digit alpha-numeric code at check-in; this code is on the child's name tag and your parent tag.
  3. When you pick up your child, show your parent tag to have your child released back to you. We will not release children to anyone not possessing the correct pick-up tag. Also, minors are not permitted to pick up kids.

Helpful Tip:
  • To help ensure a smooth pick-up process, parent and child tags must be present for verification.

Get connected.

Girls Ministries is a discipleship program with a legacy of godly women coming alongside girls, guiding them on a path to becoming mature and godly women.
The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group ministry that equips and empowers the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. 
Upward Sports is a national faith-based sports program that develops young athletes mentally, athletically, spiritually and socially. Upward Soccer takes place every spring at CLA on our outdoor fields; it is for boys and girls age 5-grade 6.
We know that you want your kids to have a blast learning the Word of God, but this can be easier said than done. Junior Bible Quiz is a fun, flexible, Bible-based program that kids enjoy as they study and soak up God's Word! To learn more, email

Impact Kids

Impact Kids is a unique initiative designed to match an adult volunteer “Buddy” with a child (age 3-grade 5) who needs some extra support during our CLA Kids services. A Buddy will provide one-on-one leadership and attention on a Sunday morning. Interested in learning more about this program or serving as a Buddy? Check out this special message from Pastor David!

Join the team.

There are many ways you can partner with the CLA Kids Team to invest in the next generation! All levels of experience and abilities are needed. Interested in learning more? Email

Serving opportunities include:
  • First Impressions (Greeting, Check-in and Safety)
  • Curriculum and Snack Prep
  • Crafts, Games & Puppetry
  • Large and Small Group Leaders
  • Nursery (Birth-Age 2)
  • Room or Clerical Helpers
  • Media & Worship

Next Steps

Since some children are too young for baptism, we offer parents an opportunity to publicly declare their intent to raise their child in a way that honors God. In many ways, child dedication is more of a parent dedication. Parents publicly declare that they will raise their child in the faith until they are old enough to make a public statement asking Jesus to be the leader of their life.

Recommended Reading

To help you and your family continue to grow closer to the Lord and to each other, we will periodically share the titles of parenting and family books our team recommends. (These are available wherever you choose to purchase books.)

  • When Parenting Isn’t Perfect, by Jim Daly
  • Right Click: Parenting Your Teenager In A Digital Media World, by Art Bamford, Kara Powell and Brad M. Griffin (This is great for parents of preteens too!)
  • Kid Power!, by Tim and Rochelle Enloe
  • Dave Ramsey’s Questions for Humans Conversation Cards (specifically for parents and kids)