Pursue the Promises

Walk with us throughout 2024 focused on the promises of God!

One of CLA’s core values is Biblical Teaching. The Bible provides practical daily guidance for living – it guides, corrects and encourages us to live in a way that honors the Lord. We believe all the answers to living a godly life can be found in the Bible.

Throughout 2024, every Monday morning by 7:00 AM, we will post a new video from Pastor Shane or an article written by a member of our staff that connects to that month’s featured promise.
We will share devotions with life application suggestions and practical tips, link to additional resources for you to explore, share encouragement through stories, and more.

Will you walk with us this year focused on the promises of God? He is so faithful!

See all 12 promises here.
Pursue the Promises | Highlights (January-July)
July 22nd, 2024
We are halfway through our Pursue the Promises 2024 all-church theme. Pastor Shane has been encouraging us to hold onto the promises of God and to anchor our lives to them. In this week’s Blog post, we share a summary of our promises so far, key Bible verses and some of our favorite highlights from our team’s Blog posts. Be encouraged today through these powerful truths!...
The One Who We Can Trust
July 15th, 2024
As someone who thrives on security, Karin Baker understands how overwhelming it can be to navigate life's uncertainties. Check out her Blog post this week, which explores how God is our refuge and fortress, no matter what we face. She also shares four simple actions that will help us reinforce this truth, as well as two book recommendations that connect to this month’s promise....
God Promises Protection
July 8th, 2024
In today’s Blog post, Pastor Scott opens with a childhood fear and then shares something we can all relate to as adults… A quick glance at the news can give us ample reasons to be afraid. Yet, none of this surprises God, and He has promised us freedom from fear. He never fails. Take a moment to reflect on God’s faithfulness in your life....
God promises to protect us.
July 2nd, 2024
We are halfway through our 2024 Pursue the Promises all-church theme. We encourage you to take a few moments and reflect on our July promise – God promises to protect us. Psalm 91:2 serves as a reminder of the unwavering protection and security we have in God. Pause and be encouraged today by Pastor Shane’s Blog post (video) that reminds us of this truth....
We Are Called
June 24th, 2024
“Being raised Jewish, I knew there was a God, but where was He in my situation, in my grief, in my pain growing up? I could not see Him and, truth be told, I was mad at Him for a long time… And then Jesus met me where I was at in life.” Read more about Pastor Lee’s testimony, the power of God’s Word, and the impact of fellow believers living out their faith in this week’s Blog....

God promises...

  • to be with us. | Joshua 1:5
  • to meet our needs. | Philippians 4:19
  • to give us rest. | Matthew 11:28-29
  • to answer our prayers. | Matthew 7:7
  • to deliver us from all fear. | Isaiah 41:13
  • to work everything out for our good. | Romans 8:28
  • to protect us. | Psalm 91:2
  • to give us power in times of weakness. | 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
  • that nothing can separate us from His presence. | Romans 8:38-39
  • to give us eternal life. | John 3:16
  • to give us perfect peace. | Isaiah 26:3
  • to give us wisdom. | James 1:5