
Announcements & Events

Today's Message

Today Pastor Shane is continuing our sermon series, The Miraculous Jesus. His message is titled, A Miracle for a Paralyzed Man! Follow along with today's message notes.

We are so glad you're here! Please check in with us. Text HELLO or HOLA to (717) 482-5994.

March 16, 2025

Check out what's coming up at CLA!

Join the Story | Dave Beistline

Our 2025 all-church theme is Join the Story. Each of us has a story about the impact Jesus has made on our lives, and that story is worth sharing with others. If you have a story to share, please take a moment to complete the simple form on our Join the Story page.

Today Pastor Shane is sharing Dave Beistline’s story and his journey that resulted in a miraculous healing. Dave gives God the glory in being declared cancer-free against all odds and hopes his story will encourage others.

Student Missions Dinner Next Sunday

This summer, we have three missions trips planned for our middle school, high school and college age students. We are supporting our students who plan to go on trips through Student Missions Dinners. Join us next Sunday, March 23 at 10:30 AM or 12:30 PM in the Christian Life Center.

The menu will be: Caesar salad or applesauce with cinnamon, creamed chicken and vegetables over mashed potatoes, buttered green beans and biscuits. There is no registration - just show up! Attendees can give donations to support students’ trips via cash, check, card or tap pay.

Spring Groups Start Soon

We have various groups that are held throughout the week that will help you connect and grow in your faith. Our spring groups begin on April 2 and 6. Here are several featured groups. Check out the COMPLETE LIST online.

Bedrock of Our Faith – Sunday at 11:00 AM. Led by Dr. Rob Starner, this is one of our newest groups. It is so important for believers to know what they believe and why.

Comunidad Hispana – Wednesday at 7:00 PM. We believe that there are no language barriers to praising our beloved God. At CLA, Spanish speakers are welcome and encouraged to attend our Spanish Bible study group.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study – Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Pastor Denny is leading this in-depth study of I and II Thessalonians. Since no one knows the time of Christ's return, we are to live virtuous and holy lives, ever watchful for His coming. This group will meet through March 19 and then resume on April 23.

Prison Ministry Training Group

In partnership with Pete Einstein of SonPower Ministries, we are offering this unique training group for those interested in sharing the love of Jesus through a variety of opportunities within the context of prison ministry. This training initiative will take place on Wednesdays from April 23-July 16. Learn more and register.

Men's Breakfast

Our spring Men's Breakfast will take place on Saturday, April 12 at 8:00 AM in the Christian Life Center. Our special guest is Roberto Escalet, a former professional baseball player and entrepreneur. This highly anticipated event offers a great opportunity for guys of all ages to gather together for a delicious meal and to connect and build relationships. Learn more and register.

Parenting Nex-Gen Seminar

Pastor Micah Marshall, Founder of the Refuge Youth Network in Altoona, PA, will offer valuable insight into parenting and guiding Gen Z and Gen Alpha at this seminar on Saturday, April 26 from 1:00-4:00 PM. He has more than 15 years of experience working with youth, and he brings a practical, upbeat, faith-based approach. This event is free, and child care is available for kids age 8 weeks-grade 5. Learn more and register.

Jason Gray Concert

Join us on Friday, May 9 at 7:00 PM for a concert with celebrated contemporary Christian singer-songwriter Jason Gray. With a heart for connecting with others, Gray is known for the compassionate honesty and authenticity he offers through his music. All proceeds will benefit Bethesda Mission. Learn more and purchase tickets.

Golf & Softball Leagues

Did you know we offer a variety of sports throughout the year and seasonally here at CLA? Registration is currently open for our Co-ed Golf League and Men's Softball League. The deadline to register is later this month. At these links, you can learn about season dates, costs and more. Both of these sports offer great opportunities to connect with others, get outside and have fun!

Parking Reminder

While parking is often limited/very full on the West side of our campus on a Sunday morning, there is always parking available on the East side. If you are finding it a challenge to park on the West side, please consider checking out the East lot. We never run out of parking on the East side.

Serve with iheart Café

Do you have a love for coffee and heart for people? CLA's iheart Café, which is open on Sunday morning, is currently seeking dedicated volunteers to serve as drip coffee hosts, baristas and cashiers. We welcome individuals with all levels of experience, including those with no Café experience but who have an interest in learning. Volunteers must be age 18+. Our vision at iheart is to provide our guests with a great experience and delicious specialty drink options, while creating a welcoming atmosphere. To learn more and express an interest in serving, email iheart@clacamphill.com.


We regularly reach out to our attendees who are in the hospital or homebound. We connect with and support individuals via phone and in-person visits, through prayer and by serving Communion. If you or someone you know is in the hospital or homebound, and would like us to reach out, please let us know by emailing cla@clacamphill.com or by calling the church at (717) 737-6560. We are here to support you!
Check out additional upcoming events!


Your giving matters. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving! Learn more about ways to give on our giving page

New Guests

We are so glad you’re with us today! Please text HELLO to (717) 482-5994. You’ll receive a link to our simple Connect Card via text in the next few days. Please take a moment to complete this card so we can connect with you and answer any questions you might have. If you are with us in person, please stop by either Welcome Center for a new guest gift!

How can we pray for you?

During our Sunday services, visit clacamphill.tv to pray with one of our live prayer partners.

You may also share requests via text (717) 482-5994 or email (prayer@clacamphill.com), or message us on social media. Our dedicated Prayer Team prays for each request throughout the week.

Find Us on TV

Our Sunday services are being rebroadcast on ABC, CBS, Lighthouse TV and GOD TV. It is our prayer that many individuals will have the opportunity to hear about the hope of Jesus through these rebroadcasts!
  • ABC | Sunday at 11:00 AM, Monday at 1:00 AM & Thursday at 1:05 AM
  • CBS | Sunday at 7:00 AM & Friday at 1:35 AM
  • Lighthouse TV | Saturday at 10:00 PM
  • GOD TV | Tuesday at 4:30 PM