Posts with the tag “trust”

The One Who We Can Trust
by Karin Baker, Connections Director on July 15th, 2024
As someone who thrives on security, Karin Baker understands how overwhelming it can be to navigate life's uncertainties. Check out her Blog post this week, which explores how God is our refuge and fortress, no matter what we face. She also shares four simple actions that will help us reinforce this truth, as well as two book recommendations that connect to this month’s promise.  Read More
Why Me?
by Cristen Crossley, Discover Director on June 10th, 2024
In this week’s Blog post, Cristen Crossley shares a powerful personal story about her cancer diagnosis, how the Lord was with her and how he used that challenging time in her life for good. She also shares why many people struggle with this month’s promise and what it really means.  Read More
God promises to work everything out for our good.
by Shane Wilson, Lead Pastor on June 3rd, 2024
As we head into summer and our sixth promise in our Pursue the Promises all-church theme, we are reminded that, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, God can bring about positive outcomes and use our trials to shape us into the people He wants us to be. Be sure to take a moment to listen to Pastor Shane’s Blog post (video) that kicks off our June promise.   Read More
With God, It’s Personal
by Erin Arva, Communications Director on May 27th, 2024
As we wrap up May’s promise, our last Blog post for the month touches on how personal the Word of God is. Regardless of the “what-ifs” that worry us, God is good, steadfast and true, and His Word is personal. He cares about all that you’re facing. Take a few moments today to reflect on this promise and remember that the Lord is reaching His hand out to you.  Read More
The Power to Overcome Our Fears
by Dan Baker, Dramatic Arts Pastor on May 13th, 2024
God’s promise in Isaiah 41:13 is powerful. In the midst of our fear, He comforts us and promises to deliver us from all fear. Does that mean we’ll never experience fear again? No, but fear no longer has the power to control us. Take a few moments to read Pastor Dan’s post about how to tap into this amazing promise!  Read More
God promises to answer our prayers.
by Shane Wilson, Lead Pastor on April 8th, 2024
Don’t stop trusting the Lord and praying – He hears you! Take a few moments to check out Pastor Shane’s latest Blog post (video) that kicks off our fourth featured promise.  Read More
God promises to meet our needs.
by Shane Wilson, Lead Pastor on February 5th, 2024
Do you believe the Word of God is true and that He will meet all of your needs? It is, and He will! Take a few minutes today to check out Pastor Shane’s latest post, which kicks off our second featured promise.  Read More