Christian Life Assembly
Training the Next Generation of Bible Teachers

Do You Want A Deeper
Understanding of the Bible?
CLA's School of the Bible can help you do just that! There are many benefits to studying the Bible. It encourages us, corrects us and equips us.
While it is the School's goal to train Bible teachers, all who want to gain a deeper understanding of God's Word are encouraged to attend. It is free to participate, and you may join us in person or online. The School offers a three-year program, with three 10-week trimesters provided each year.
While it is the School's goal to train Bible teachers, all who want to gain a deeper understanding of God's Word are encouraged to attend. It is free to participate, and you may join us in person or online. The School offers a three-year program, with three 10-week trimesters provided each year.
"CLA's School of the Bible offers the most in-depth, comprehensive Bible teaching of any kind that I have ever taken. You will learn more taking these classes than you can imagine!"
- Carrie Ryerse

What is CLA's
School of the Bible?
In this three-year program, the School of the Bible provides a comprehensive Bible education. Jim Hoffman serves as Director of the School and leads the various classes. He was educated at the Harrisburg School of the Bible and has taught the Bible for 40 years.

Who Can
Everyone! Our goal is to train the next generation of Bible teachers, but all are welcome to attend to increase their Bible knowledge - whether to teach others or for personal growth. Join at any time!

When Does
It Meet?
Join us on Thursday from 6:30-8:30 PM in The Plaza at CLA. The School offers three trimesters of 10 weeks of classes every year. In total, it holds 30 courses each year in the winter, spring and fall.
How do I get Involved?
Online registration for CLA's School of the Bible is available. We encourage you to sign up quickly, as spots usually fill up fast.