What To Expect.
We hold services on Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Various adult groups take place on Sunday morning at these times, on Wednesday at 7:00 PM and throughout the week. We also offer exciting options for kids and youth on Sunday and Wednesday.

What is service like?
Our services are about 90 minutes long and include worship, prayer and powerful teaching. Our Worship Team opens each service; music lyrics are projected on screens so you can engage however you feel most comfortable. After worship, one of our pastors shares a practical, Biblical message that challenges us to keep growing in our faith and apply what we learn.

What is the culture like?
Sunday at CLA is exciting, friendly and relaxed. Come as you are and wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. Whether you're joining us in person or online, we want you to feel welcome, encouraged and know that you belong. If you're with us in person, feel free to grab a coffee in the lobby. New to CLA? Stop by either Welcome Center to say hello and pick up a new guest gift.

What about kids and youth?
Kids and youth are a big part of our church family! We offer services on Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 AM for kids (birth-grade 5). On Sunday, our youth (grades 6-12) serve together during one service and attend the other. We also provide various programs on Wednesday evening for our kids and youth to keep growing in their relationship with Jesus. Visit CLA Kids and CLA Youth for more information.
"It's easy to feel overwhelmed in a big church, but CLA is more than a church - it's family!"
- Ryan George
"Being involved in different areas of CLA has provided the opportunity to connect and build friendships – for ourselves and our children."
- Daniel & Emily Fuller
"As part of the Hospitality Team, I want to extend to others the caring and warm spirit that meant so much to me!"
- Adelia Gates
Visit Us.
We believe that church should be the highlight of the week for your whole family! At CLA, we often talk about being a family, and these aren't just words. We have seen firsthand how life is better when we worship, pray, learn and do life together. We offer something for everyone, no matter your age or stage of life. Contact us for more information.
Sunday Mornings
9:00 & 11:00 AM
Wednesday Evenings
7:00 PM (Youth meets at 6:30 PM)
You're Invited!
If you are new to CLA – or "new-ish" – we invite you to check out our next Welcome Party! Join Pastor Shane Wilson, Lead Pastor, CLA staff and other "new-ish" people at this relaxed event.