Waiting with Anticipation
Let’s be persistent in our prayers. Don’t give up!
Have you ever shopped online? Who am I kidding, I’m sure you have. We live in the digital age where we can access almost anything with the click of a button.
Once we find what we’re looking for, we're one click away from instantly receiving an email confirmation of our purchase – "your package is on its way!” We are filled with anticipation for its arrival and even happier when it’s a “two-day” delivery, right? I mean, we can even track each step of the package's location, and access details of its journey and arrival time!
We live in an instantaneous world.
Don’t you wish our prayers worked like this, too?
As believers, we can often forget God is not Google. Sometimes when we need something, we go to God like the internet and type our need into the “search” bar…we scroll to find what we want and select what we need/want from Him. Asking God for something in prayer is part of our lives as believers, but when it comes to prayer, there is often a process we go through that is filled with perseverance and anticipation.
Can God deliver healing in an instant? Yes! Can he provide a miracle instantaneously? Of course!
We see it all over the New Testament, the miracle at Cana, healing the lame, the sick, even bringing the dead to life! As believers we do not doubt that God delivers answers instantly – but sometimes when He doesn’t deliver in our timeframe or exactly how we wanted – we become anxious and begin to doubt.
Why do we do this to ourselves? Instead of waiting anxiously and frustrated – let’s wait with anticipation that He hears us, and He will answer! He knows what we need when we need it, and how we need to receive it…more than we do.
Prayer is much more than a search bar and delivery system. Prayer is an expression of sincere desire sparked out of a deep relationship with God – it's believing He is able and willing to answer our prayers.
Prayer is a process, prayer is persistence and prayer ought to fill us as believers with great anticipation!
Do you remember the walls of Jericho? Joshua 6 records God’s specific instructions to the Israelites to march around the city seven times and then the walls of the city would fall. Sounds crazy, right? I’m sure it took a long time to walk around that city seven times. But could you imagine that final seventh lap around the city? I imagine it was filled with great anticipation of what God was going to do next!
The walls fell, and the Israelites were victorious.
What prayer are you waiting for Him to answer? What has God asked you to do while you wait for His response?
Do you feel like you need to track your "package?” For believers – our way of tracking our package is looking to our Bibles and reading about what God has already done. We also get to look back at what He has done in our lives and the lives of others. This is God’s “track record,” and we ought to let it fill us with hope as we watch and wait for His response.
We must be willing to go through the process of waiting to hear from God. We must be persistent in our prayers. Don’t give up!
God is on the move!
God hears us. He is willing and able to meet our every need.
So, I encourage you today to be filled with anticipation and expectation that your package is on the way!
Once we find what we’re looking for, we're one click away from instantly receiving an email confirmation of our purchase – "your package is on its way!” We are filled with anticipation for its arrival and even happier when it’s a “two-day” delivery, right? I mean, we can even track each step of the package's location, and access details of its journey and arrival time!
We live in an instantaneous world.
Don’t you wish our prayers worked like this, too?
As believers, we can often forget God is not Google. Sometimes when we need something, we go to God like the internet and type our need into the “search” bar…we scroll to find what we want and select what we need/want from Him. Asking God for something in prayer is part of our lives as believers, but when it comes to prayer, there is often a process we go through that is filled with perseverance and anticipation.
Can God deliver healing in an instant? Yes! Can he provide a miracle instantaneously? Of course!
We see it all over the New Testament, the miracle at Cana, healing the lame, the sick, even bringing the dead to life! As believers we do not doubt that God delivers answers instantly – but sometimes when He doesn’t deliver in our timeframe or exactly how we wanted – we become anxious and begin to doubt.
Why do we do this to ourselves? Instead of waiting anxiously and frustrated – let’s wait with anticipation that He hears us, and He will answer! He knows what we need when we need it, and how we need to receive it…more than we do.
Prayer is much more than a search bar and delivery system. Prayer is an expression of sincere desire sparked out of a deep relationship with God – it's believing He is able and willing to answer our prayers.
Prayer is a process, prayer is persistence and prayer ought to fill us as believers with great anticipation!
Do you remember the walls of Jericho? Joshua 6 records God’s specific instructions to the Israelites to march around the city seven times and then the walls of the city would fall. Sounds crazy, right? I’m sure it took a long time to walk around that city seven times. But could you imagine that final seventh lap around the city? I imagine it was filled with great anticipation of what God was going to do next!
The walls fell, and the Israelites were victorious.
What prayer are you waiting for Him to answer? What has God asked you to do while you wait for His response?
Do you feel like you need to track your "package?” For believers – our way of tracking our package is looking to our Bibles and reading about what God has already done. We also get to look back at what He has done in our lives and the lives of others. This is God’s “track record,” and we ought to let it fill us with hope as we watch and wait for His response.
We must be willing to go through the process of waiting to hear from God. We must be persistent in our prayers. Don’t give up!
God is on the move!
God hears us. He is willing and able to meet our every need.
So, I encourage you today to be filled with anticipation and expectation that your package is on the way!
Verse to Memorize
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
Pursue the Promises
Throughout 2024, every Monday morning by 7:00 AM, we will post a new video from Pastor Shane or an article written by a member of our staff that connects to that month’s featured promise. Learn more.