Kids Groups

Christian Life Assembly
Camp Hill, PA

Girls Ministries

Discipleship for Girls
K-Grade 12

Girls Ministries is a discipleship program with a legacy of godly women coming alongside girls, guiding them on a path to becoming mature and godly women. Our goal is to see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus and realize her importance and potential in the Kingdom of God.

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Girls Ministries weaves together fun and Biblical training! Girls are grouped by age and enjoy:
  • Adventures, activities and games that show them how discovering God's Word is fun! 
  • Lessons about valuable life skills - from sportsmanship and integrity to cooking and outreach.
  • One-on-one help in choosing actions, attitudes and behaviors that please the Lord.

Royal Rangers

Discipleship for Boys
K-Grade 12

The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group ministry with a mission to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men. It encourages servant leadership development in a highly relational and fun environment as boys learn to study and apply God's Word.

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The Royal Rangers program is fun and interactive! It utilizes seven methods to guide boys, grouped by age, on their journey to Christlike manhood. The methods include the importance of friendship, various activities (sports, technology, outdoor interests and more), who they are in Jesus (their identity), achievement, discipleship, leadership, and service.


Boys & Girls | Age 3-5

Rainbows Club is for boys and girls age 3-5. Noah's Ark provides an exciting theme for the Bible stories, crafts, full-color activity pages and games for this preschool club. Rainbows add colorful animal badges to their vests as they complete requirements for the achievement program.