Vision Report


We are walking through this year focused on the promises of God!

Message from Pastor Shane

In the summer of 2023, I began my 10th year as Lead Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, recently celebrating my 10th anniversary. I can say with all sincerity that serving in this role has been one of the absolute greatest honors of my life. I am thankful for the Lord's faithfulness, and I am grateful for each of you. Thanks for loving my family and me so well!

This Vision Report provides highlights from 2023 and 2024 year-to-date. It reflects God's work among us. I am continually humbled and blessed by all God has done through our church.

Our 2024 all-church theme is Pursue the Promises. We've been walking through this year focused on God's promises. I pray you have been encouraged, inspired and reminded that God's promises are powerful and personal.

Joshua 1:5 says, "No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you."

As we conclude this year and look ahead to what the Lord will continue to do, let's keep our eyes on Him. Thank you for being part of our CLA family and for being part of our evolving story. I am filled with anticipation and hope for what the next 10 years will bring!

Pastor Shane Wilson, Lead Pastor

From 2022 to 2023, we saw a significant increase in those making a difference through serving. Also, many new families grew together in their faith.

As part of our commitment to share the Gospel locally and globally, your missions giving increased by 31 percent.

In 2024, of the 185 individuals who have participated in a missions trip/opportunity, 65 of them participated for the first time. Praise God!

2023 Highlights



New to CLA


Attended a Welcome Party


Dedicated or rededicated their life to Jesus


Water Baptisms (age 5-83)


New Members


Child Dedications
“I was first baptized as a baby and have always been willing to give my heart to the Lord. Lately, I have been wanting to connect more with Him. I’m excited to get baptized today surrounded by loved ones as I renew my faith.”



Students and adults served on one or more Sundays
Includes Worship, Media, Hospitality, Adults, Students and Kids Teams
* This is an increase of 100 individuals from 2022.


Students and adults served throughout the week (Monday-Saturday)


Participated in Summer Serve



Participated in groups
Includes Discover discipleship process, various adult groups and CLA School of the Bible
* In 2023, we saw the School of the Bible’s largest graduating class to date with 23 graduates.



65 (CR) | 15 (The Landing)

Average weekly attendance of Celebrate Recovery (CR - adults) and The Landing (age 13-19)
“Through our Wednesday evening women’s group, I have developed sound relationships with other women who love the Lord. We are prayer partners, we hold each other accountable and we serve together.”

KIDS | Birth-Grade 5


Average weekly attendance (includes Sunday and Wednesday)


New kids
* This is an increase of 135 kids from 2022.


New families with kids
* This is an increase of 100+ families from 2022.




Participated in Mega Summer Camp
Average daily attendance for adults and kids

STUDENTS | Youth & College Age


Average Student Hub attendance


Speed the Light giving
YOUTH | Grades 6-12


Average Wednesday attendance
* This is an increase of 30+ from 2022.


New students
COLLEGE AGE| Age 18-25


Average Monthly Gathering attendance


Average College Age small group attendance

In 2023, we launched SEU at CLA Camp Hill.
"One of the most amazing things is seeing how our boys are thriving in Kids Town and seeing them grow in their faith and understanding of how God wants them to live.”
“At Youth Camp, I gave my heart to the Lord and, ever since, I’ve had the urge to read the Bible, which I’m doing. My goal is to finish the New Testament in the next few months!”



Unique households with people who shopped at CLA’s Breads & Threads Food Market and Clothing Boutique


Families per month received food through the Cumberland County Food Bank (operates on-site at CLA)


Homebound individuals were regularly cared for by our pastoral staff team and our team of 30 volunteer visitors


Individuals were supported by our pastoral staff team
Includes via phone and email, as well as hospital visits

Nearly 2,200

Prayer requests shared

Nearly 200

Praise reports shared


Individuals were supported by our volunteer Care Team with cards, meals or some other form of care
“Several months ago, I put a friend on the prayer list. She had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We serve an awesome God – the cancer is gone!”



Individuals heard the Gospel through our online campus and television ministry broadcast


Number of app downloads (total number since app was launched)


App impressions


Number of web visits

Top 200

The Lifestyle Faith Podcast broke the Top 200 for religious podcasts in the U.S. for the second year in a row
“Our family has gone through a challenging season in recent years, which caused me to press in closer to Jesus. I gave my heart to Him while watching one of CLA’s services online.”



Viewed our Christmas Special (live on abc27, and on YouTube)


Attended Easter Celebration
2,369 NEXT books were distributed


Attended Christmas Wonderland
1,427 NEXT books were distributed


Served during Christmas Wonderland and during Easter Celebration


Families received new toys for their children, along with several bags of food and recipes


Served during Toy Share


Backpacks collected for the West Shore School District, as well as 25 boxes of school supplies


Teachers and school staff received a token of appreciation for back to school (they texted the word SCHOOL)
“God has always been a part of my life, but I decided to give my heart to Him at CLA’s Easter Celebration. I believe that God has bigger plans for my life.”



Missionaries and missions initiatives were supported


2023 Missions Giving


Individuals participated in our local, domestic and global missions trips and opportunities
* This is an increase of 100+ individuals from 2022.


Increase in missions giving from 2022
“As Christians, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, not figuratively but literally. It's also important to pass that concept along to the next generation.”

2024 Highlights

New Ways to Connect


We continue to offer a wide range of groups available almost every day of the week, both during the day and at night. Individuals who participate are feeling a deeper connection, both spiritually and relationally. We are privileged to host everything from Bible studies and CLA School of the Bible to support and online groups.

In addition to groups that meet on campus, we have expanded our @Home groups and are now hosting them in multiple locations for various stages of life. Our newest groups are for those aged 25-35, which have been received very well.

Life Change Is Happening


We continue to welcome new families; they are growing in their faith, serving and connecting at fun family events. We continue to see lives changed – kids are pressing into Jesus, dedicating their lives to Him and being baptized. From kids' church services to weekly groups to Junior Bible Quiz, kids are learning who God is, the importance of His Word and how the Bible points to Jesus.

Thirty-nine children have been dedicated, 13 kids have been baptized and, at Mega Summer Camp, 140 kids and adults made decisions or recommitments for Jesus!

The Lord Is Pouring out His Spirit


CLA Students has never been in a greater spot! We are seeing the Lord pour out His Spirit in powerful ways, and we thank Him for this amazing season. We had an attendance of 145 for Youth Camp…with five salvations, 38 rededications, 23 who were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and 51 who sensed a specific calling from God on their life.

Also, 46 students participated in a global missions trip, we are launching our first-ever fall and spring retreats for College Age, and we are seeing more students follow Jesus' example and serve within the church.

Reaching Thousands for Jesus


A total of 185 individuals participated in a local, domestic or global missions trip/opportunity…65 of them for the first time! By the end of this year, we will have taken 13 global and domestic trips (including two student trips), and we launched our local Mission 10 Work Days.

We gave $118,663 (CLA Kids contributed $7,500) to rebuild a church near Eldoret, Kenya and purchase adjacent land that will provide access to clean water, a medical clinic and a sports area. We will also drill a water well in a remote area of Kenya. This project will reach thousands of people for Jesus!

Expanding Our Reach Globally


Media is one of the most important ways to reach the world for Jesus. Every month, more than 100,000 people hear the Gospel message through our online campus and local television ministry broadcast.

Yet, this year, we were able to take this a step further and start broadcasting our services twice a week on GOD TV. Through this media outreach, we have the potential to reach millions of individuals around the world with the life-saving message of Jesus.

Supporting Students 


Thank you for your generosity in supporting our students who went on a missions trip to King's Castle in El Salvador this summer. A total of $29,220 was raised at the Missions Dinners to support our 46 youth and college age students who chose to GO!

Thank you to everyone who gave financially, supported our youth and college age with prayer, and helped prep, donate and serve food during the three Sunday Missions Dinners.

The Love of Jesus in a Time of Need


Breads & Threads Food Market and Clothing Boutique is open four days a week and makes a difference by providing free food and clothing. We have 108 volunteers who regularly pick up food, stock shelves and hang clothes while serving approximately 400 unique families per month.

This represents approximately 3,200 individuals from Central PA being shown Christ's love in a time of need. Our team regularly prays with shoppers, shares social service resources, and invites them to our support groups and church services to find true hope.

Meeting a Need among Veterans


CLA's Out of the Trenches group meets a unique need for veterans because they have been through past experiences that only they can truly relate to. Members were available to support and pray with veterans from our church family near Memorial Day and July 4, two dates that can be particularly hard for vets.

Every Friday morning, members of this group serve coffee and donuts outside of the Cumberland County VA Clinic. Their presence at the clinic provides comradery and meets social needs among the veterans. The group reaches approximately 200 veterans from our community every month.

Creating Unique Opportunities to Pray

We believe in the power of prayer and created several unique opportunities this year. First, in support of the National Day of Prayer, we held a Prayer Service led by 13 speakers who prayed for families, the Hispanic community, global needs, the government and the Church.

We are holding a Weekly Prayer Meeting from August 20 through November 5 to pray for our nation and the upcoming presidential election. Our purpose is to seek the Lord and pray for revival in our land.

“Marriage Matters has been a cornerstone of my relationship with my wife, Samantha. Even before we were married, we knew how valuable it would be, and attending the class has only brought us closer. My discipleship with Malcolm Richardson has been truly life-changing, deepening my faith and reshaping my life in ways I never imagined. I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.” 
Marcus Roth
“Our whole family connecting and serving with CLA Kids has truly opened up opportunities not only for friendship but, most importantly, for the Lord to challenge and grow us toward His purposes for our lives. As He’s drawn us into new opportunities, we’ve just said 'yes,' and it’s been fun to see what He’s done with that over the last two years. Our kids are serving alongside of us and genuinely enjoy being at church. It really has made our large church feel small, and we are so thankful to have found a home here!”
Stacy Seymore
“College Age at CLA has been one of the greatest blessings for me in recent years! From the people and events to small groups, it all creates a sense of family among everyone there and has helped my walk with Jesus become even stronger than what it was before College Age. I couldn’t have asked for better people to do life with!”
Dominic Mangle
“The Out of the Trenches group means a lot to me. It’s a place where my fellow veteran brothers and sisters and I can relax and be ourselves without fear of judgment while supporting one another. I can finally let my guard down. I feel blessed to serve others, knowing that God's love is being shared among fellow veterans both at CLA and in the community through outreach efforts.”
Lindell Servis
CLA Deacons:
Rich Alioth, Michael Bongiorno, Dena Brenneman, Brad Brubaker, Candace Harris, Andy Raab, Marty Williams

Secretary's Report of 2023 Minutes