Mission 10 Update

January 2024

Message from Pastor Kristian

As we start a new year, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you again for partnering with us to support missions! Thank you for praying for our teams and missionaries, for giving financially and for going – whether that be globally, domestically in the U.S. or locally right here in our community.

We can’t wait to see how the Lord will continue to expand His Kingdom this year so that all may hear about His amazing love for them!

Since this is our first missions update of 2024, I wanted to take a moment to update you on where we are regarding our Mission 10 goals. Mission 10 is CLA’s strategic approach to expand the Kingdom of God. Here is a snapshot since Mission 10 was initially launched in 2017:

  • 592 CLA attendees have gone on a missions trip experience for the first time (our 10-year goal is 1,000)
  • $7,235,459 has been given for missions projects and missionary support in the U.S. and around the world (our 10-year goal is $10 million)
  • 21 new short- or long-term missionaries from CLA’s church family have chosen to GO to the mission field (our 10-year goal is 100)

As we look ahead to 2024, I invite you to take a few moments to check out our Missions page. Details for each of our global trips for the year are now available! Please be praying for God’s direction and provision. I truly believe there is something for everyone to participate in!

Questions? Email us at missions@clacamphill.com.

Local Missions

The Sanctity of Life | Baby Bottle Drive

We believe in and support life, as well as those organizations that do the same. CLA has had a long-standing partnership with the Capital Area Pregnancy Center (CAPC), which is one of those anchor Christian organizations in our community.

Every January, in honor of Sanctity of Life Sunday, we provide a special opportunity for our church family to support CAPC. We are currently holding a Baby Bottle Drive. We encourage you to pick up a baby bottle at one of our Welcome Centers and fill it with loose change, bills or a check. Return the bottles by Sunday, February 4. You may also give online (give to Mission 10).

CAPC provides a variety of free services – from medical services like pregnancy testing and early ultrasounds – to support and education for birth, parenting and adoption. It also provides necessary materials for moms and babies, such as furniture, diapers and formula.

Please join us in praying for spiritual refreshment for those who serve at CAPC and for the women and families they support. In addition, if you feel led to volunteer with those facing a pregnancy decision, please email Judy at CAPC at judy@capchelp.org.

Did you know? At CLA, we have a passion to support single parents, and we do this in a variety of ways. For example, we offer a group called S.M.I.L.E. for single moms. Learn more.

Domestic Missions

Yá'át'éé | Navajo Nation – Phoenix, Arizona

As part of the Navajo Nation missions team, you might find yourself being greeted with Yá'át'éé. Today this word is generally referred to as “hello”, but traditionally, this greeting means “it is good” and would be shared along with a sign language motion where the hand moves from the heart and then out away from the body. Together, this moves the interpretation to mean “on the surface of Mother Earth, everything is good,” which helps us to gain a deeper understanding of the Navajo culture and customs.

Today, the Navajo Nation surpasses 250,000 enrolled tribal members and has the largest reservation in the country straddling Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and the Four Corners region. For nearly 30 years, Pastor Jackie and Lenora Holgate have been speaking life into the Navajo Nation. Along with serving as National Native American Youth Directors, they currently serve in full-time ministry at Mountaintop Church in Flagstaff, AZ and are in the process of revitalizing a church in Kayenta, AZ.

Sharing the Gospel in a culture that is deeply rooted in strong cultural beliefs and teachings shared from generation to generation can be difficult, but nothing is impossible with Jesus. The CLA team will assist in serving the “Diné” (Navajo for The People) through general workdays in Kayenta to help get the church plant ready and through invitational evangelism to help provide hope through Jesus in a hurting community where alcoholism, joblessness, poverty and suicide are prevalent.

If God is speaking to your heart to serve the Navajo Nation, sign up for this global missions trip before February 15 on our Missions page.

Global Missions

Join the Secret Service

God is a God of order and purpose, and He has a plan, even under the most complex circumstances. One of the most challenging situations we face as Christians is sharing the Gospel when the “doors are closed.”

For instance, some people are not willing to accept and trust Jesus because of a past hurt or lingering anger, others might not be willing to choose Him because they do not understand the truth of who He is, and there are many more people who do not choose Him simply because of where they live, and the limitations of the Gospel being shared.
So, how do you go about sharing Jesus when such limitations are in place? Thankfully we have a couple of friends from CLA who are willing to share their experiences and some helpful tips below. Because of the sensitivity level, we will refer to them as Friend 1 and Friend 2.

What is it like to serve in a sensitive area (an area where you cannot share Jesus openly)?

Friend 1 - In a sensitive country we do things very differently and use relationship evangelism. This means everything that we do is based on forming relationships and showing the love of Christ, allowing Him to open the doors for us to share the Gospel creatively. We wait for people to ask questions and then follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in how we respond. Since we are not able to have large group gatherings, it becomes all about that ONE person and your relationship with them.

Friend 2 - Serving in a sensitive area is a unique experience. We do not approach strangers with church invites or preach on the street corner. We must be strategic and relational, giving us the reward to share personally with those who would otherwise not hear the Good News.

How was your family impacted and/or how did they feel when you went?

Friend 1 - My parents have known that I was called to move to Northern Asia since I was 10 years old, so they had been preparing for a long time. However, that did not make it easier. My mom was sad but also happy that I was following the call that God had placed on my life. My parents' being believers also made it easier.

Friend 2 - My family was very supportive. They helped me with fundraising and supported me both financially and by being with me at speaking and fundraising engagements. There were a lot of tears when I moved, but we make sure to communicate regularly.

What are some do's and don’ts in interacting with the local people in a sensitive area?

Friend 1 – When talking to the locals, it is best to ask questions about their food, culture and day-to-day life in the country, like, “What is it like to live in a city of 30 million people?” You should avoid ALL political topics and controversial conversations about the country's history. Remember that the people are not their government and that political conversations do not help further the Kingdom of God.

Friend 2 - I would say to become as familiar as you can with the culture, customs and traditions of the locals. Where we serve is very much a collectivist culture vs. an individualistic culture like we are used to in the States. This means that each person concerns themselves with the good of the group, even if that means inconveniencing themselves. The community we serve is also very big on sharing meals as quality time so you might be invited to dinner to spend time together more than concern for your physical wellbeing. By honoring their customs and traditions, you will win over their hearts and create more opportunities to share the Good News.

Why should someone consider going to serve as a sports coach during our upcoming trip?

Friend 1 - One of the most rewarding things that someone can do is to come alongside workers who are on the ground in a sensitive country. By doing this, you will become part of what God is doing in that country and have an opportunity to plant the seed that the worker will continue to water even after you leave.

Friend 2 - As a worker we appreciate the opportunity to share the local community and our work with new people. Once I had the opportunity of spending time with a university team that conducted a sports camp. It was great to see how the father used and spoke to each person, and the long-term impacts it had on their lives. I recently ran into one of the girls who was a part of that team and learned that she and her husband are now in full-time ministry!

Is there anything else you can share to inspire those who are on the fence to be encouraged to take a leap of faith and say yes to God's leading?

Friend 1 - GOD WILL WRECK YOU (in the best way possible), and I believe that this trip will be LIFE CHANGING for you. God is calling people on this trip and perhaps you will hear Him say, “This is just the beginning for you.” But remember that you don’t have to hear the audible voice of God as a confirmation that he wants you to be on this trip. Knowing that you are supposed to step out in faith and feeling HIS peace is enough.

Friend 2 - I’m going to quote Nike on this one, “Just do it!” Too many of us ask the Father to give us the desires of His heart, and chicken out when He does. Is it going to be hard, and will there be uncomfortable moments? Yes. Are there going to be moments when you panic about fundraising? Yup. But remember, He wouldn’t call us on crazy adventures if He didn’t already have a plan that included His help along the way.

If you would like to know more about the upcoming trip to Northern Asia, visit our Missions page.

Prayer Requests

Will you join us in prayer?

  • Capital Area Pregnancy Center | Camp Hill, PA – Pray for those who are in the midst of a pregnancy decision to feel loved, supported, cared for and secure in their future and the volunteers, friends and family who are journeying with them to be a kind, supportive and a listening ear.
  • Navajo Nation | Kayenta, AZ – Pray for open hearts and opportunities to influence the Navajo people toward Jesus so that they see hope beyond the hurting.
  • Sensitive Areas | Missionaries Around the World – Pray for missionaries and their families who serve and understand the cost of what it means to serve in a LiveDead region.