Pray & Fast

Easter Challenge


Some of the best teaching on prayer in the Bible is Luke 11:1-13.

Luke often records Jesus praying before significant events or teachings. His regular personal prayer life must have impacted the disciples so much that they made the connection that His source of fellowship and intimacy with the Father came from the time He spent in personal prayer! So, with a sense of urgency, they asked Jesus, "Lord, teach us to pray."

No one understands the importance of prayer more, and no one challenges us to pray more than He does. There is no better teacher on the subject of prayer than Jesus.  
  • Jesus taught us how to pray by praying!
  • Jesus teaches us to be bold and persistent with our prayers.  
  • Jesus encourages us to come to Him in boldness and persistence through prayer.

Never give up. Never stop praying!
  • We must cultivate the spiritual discipline of prayer in our personal lives.
  • Effective prayers are specific and in alignment with God's purpose and will!
God loves it when we rely entirely on Him, trust Him and know that He is working all things together for our good when we believe - without hesitation - that our loving Father always gives good gifts.

Keep going to God in prayer. Be persistent and bold! Let's ask Jesus to teach us how to pray!


Because every person is different, the things we fast for will differ. Therefore, there are many different types of Biblical fasting. Fasting, at its heart, is about giving up something that satisfies you so you can intentionally pursue satisfaction in God alone.

Types of Fasting
  • Complete Fast - The duration of a complete fast can range from part of a day, to an entire day, to several days. This was the most common type of fast shared in the Scriptures. While a complete fast abstains from all food for a time, a partial fast abstains from certain foods or drinks for a time (Ezra 8:21-23 NASB). People who have never done a complete fast should observe caution as they begin and end the fast because it will be an extreme adjustment to their body.
  • Partial Fast - A partial fast can vary in duration from part of a day to a few days, and it involves abstaining from certain foods or drinks for a time. It can involve when you eat or what you eat. The most common partial fast is often called a three-day spiritual fast. In Daniel, we see believers who ate only fruits and vegetables and drank water for 10 days to honor God while in captivity. Daniel 1:12 says, “A humble Christian who fasts will see answers and feel refreshed regularly.”
  • Liquid Fast - Another option is a liquid fast, through which you abstain from all food but allow liquids, such as smoothies, fresh juices and pureed soups. It’s important to drink lots of water throughout the day.
  • Non-Food Fast - For those with a medical condition, the non-food fast is the safest way to practice this spiritual discipline. In the Scriptures, we see several examples of non-food fasts, including:
    • Unholy things, such as items, people, places, practices, etc. (Joshua 3:5)
    • Other examples include sacrificing television/social media/cell phone use – areas that typically take up large amounts of our time.
  • Group Fast - A time of group fasting can be powerful on a personal and corporate level. This type of fasting can vary from any of the different types of Biblical fasting. The point is not that everyone is fasting from the same thing but that they are fasting about the same thing.

What types of things drive you to prayer while fasting? 
Jesus reminds us in Matthew 17:21 and Mark 9:29, “…but by prayer and fasting.”
  • Overcoming periods of spiritual dryness; needing to draw closer to God for spiritual refreshing.
  • In need of a spiritual breakthrough.
  • Obtaining spiritual guidance.
  • Spiritual revival; developing spiritual strength, including resisting temptation.
  • Developing self-mastery, making our spirits masters of our bodies, such as by showing humility, showing sorrow, enhancing prayer and/or obtaining spiritual knowledge and testimony.

Pastor Shane reminded us that you can pray without fasting, but you can’t fast without praying.

Please remember… No sacrifice will go unnoticed by the Lord.

Seeking the Lord always has eternal rewards: “I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early will find Me” (Proverbs 8:17). “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9).

There are several cautions to consider as you contemplate a food fast.* It is wise to consult your doctor before you begin your fast to make sure that there are no medical reasons why it would be harmful to radically change your diet (short-term or long-term).

Persons who should not fast without professional supervision are those who:
  • Are too thin or are prone to anorexia or bulimia
  • Suffer weakness or anemia
  • Have tumors, bleeding ulcers, cancer, blood disorders or heart disease
  • Have chronic problems with kidneys, liver, lungs or heart
  • Are on insulin for diabetes or are hypoglycemic
  • Are pregnant or nursing

* These cautions were provided courtesy of