Easter Celebration

Christian Life Assembly
Camp Hill, PA


APRIL 5, 6, 11, 12 & 13

Innocent. Not Guilty. Not responsible for an event yet suffering its consequences. In this year’s Easter Celebration, you will experience Jesus’ journey on Earth as seen through the lens of an innocent woman, Azubah. A woman who, immersed in her pain, almost missed the beauty of Jesus’ love and mercy all around her as He healed the sick, forgave sinners and shared the love of His Father. Bitterness, anger and resentment can do that to us. They can keep us from experiencing the joy, hope and peace only God can give.

Through beautiful music, dance, sets, costumes and live animals, you will follow Azubah’s story as she reconciles with the One who has proven His love for us. Jesus innocently went to the cross and emerged triumphant, providing you and me with everlasting life. Because of Jesus, we too will one day stand before the Father and be declared “innocent.”

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16 (NIV)


  • Saturday, April 5 | 2:00 & 6:30 PM*
  • Sunday, April 6 | 3:00 PM
  • Friday, April 11 | 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, April 12 | 2:00 & 6:30 PM*
  • Sunday, April 13 | 3:00 PM

*Due to the nature of the events being portrayed and the brutality that Jesus suffered, we ask that parents of small children use discretion during this performance. Free child care provided for Saturday evening performances (age 5 and under). Reserve with ticket purchase. Children age 4 and under are not permitted in the auditorium during performances.


Reserved Seating
$15 Adults
$10 Students (Age 5-18)
$20 Preferred (Sections 102 & 103 Rows B-L)
$5 Thursday/Friday/Saturday PM Front Mezzanine & Side Balcony (Sections 201 & 202 Rows B-H & Sections 301 & 308)

Ticket Office: 717-737-1887 (Monday-Wednesday, 9:00 AM–1:00 PM)

Volunteer with us!

As our volunteers serve together, we repeatedly hear how they develop incredible friendships with each other. They also share that their spiritual lives are strengthened. And there is a place for you!

Behind the Scenes

There are many behind-the-scenes opportunities, including set construction, set artistry/painting, props and set dressing, costuming, hair and makeup, stage crew, animals, food prep and more. 


The moment guests arrive on our campus, our Hospitality volunteers make them feel welcome, answer any questions they might have, and help them find their seats.

Cast & Auditions

Do you have an interest in acting, singing and/or dancing? We are seeking talented people for our cast of THE INNOCENT.

Frequently Asked Questions

What time do doors open?
Doors open one hour before each performance.
Is your church wheelchair accessible?
Our facility is fully equipped with accessible seating and restrooms (including elevators to balcony levels). Mezzanine seating and most balcony seating, however, require the use of stairs.
What if I arrive late?
Guests who arrive late will be seated at the usher's discretion.
How long is the show?
The performance is approximately 2 hours 30 minutes, including intermission.
Do you have food and drinks available?
Snacks will be available in the Lobby for purchase during intermission.
Can I take photos or video?
Due to copyright laws, attendees may not use still photography, video or recording devices of any kind.
Do you use special effects?
Stage fog is typically used and sometimes will drift into the first few rows of seating. Other special effects may include loud rumbling and strobe lighting.
Are children allowed to attend?
Due to the length of the performance and to be courteous to others, children age 4 and under will not be permitted.  

Free child care is provided for Saturday evening performances (children age 5 and under). Reserve child care with ticket purchase.