Christian Life Assembly
If you are a young adult age 18-25, then this is the community for you! Together, we challenge each other to discover who we are in Jesus, strengthen the local church, and accept the call to change our world. We worship and serve on Sunday, gather together several times a month, and dive deep in our groups every week.

Sunday Service
We can’t wait for Sundays! Here is a snapshot of what we have going on at CLA for students.
Serve with Us | Serving is the heart of God, and instilling a love of serving helps young people develop a passion for the church. There are various opportunities to pick from, such as with Hospitality, Media and CLA Kids. Serving Interest Form.
Hang with Us | Students are invited to check out the Student Hub in the Youth Center every Sunday from 9:00-10:45 AM. They can stay for the whole time, or just stop by for a bit. Students enjoy connecting with friends through fun activities, great conversation and food! At 10:45 AM, students and leaders walk to our 11:00 AM service in the main Sanctuary.
Sit with Us | Students and leaders sit together in the student section (front right) of the main Sanctuary during our 11:00 AM service. Together, they press into worship and learn from practical, Biblical teaching.
Serve with Us | Serving is the heart of God, and instilling a love of serving helps young people develop a passion for the church. There are various opportunities to pick from, such as with Hospitality, Media and CLA Kids. Serving Interest Form.
Hang with Us | Students are invited to check out the Student Hub in the Youth Center every Sunday from 9:00-10:45 AM. They can stay for the whole time, or just stop by for a bit. Students enjoy connecting with friends through fun activities, great conversation and food! At 10:45 AM, students and leaders walk to our 11:00 AM service in the main Sanctuary.
Sit with Us | Students and leaders sit together in the student section (front right) of the main Sanctuary during our 11:00 AM service. Together, they press into worship and learn from practical, Biblical teaching.

Monthly Gatherings
Our monthly gatherings are a great first step in getting connected to our community! You can meet new people, hang with friends, worship, hear an encouraging message and enjoy delicious food. These gatherings take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Youth Center (unless a different location is noted).
In addition, join us on the third Saturday of the month. On these days, we either serve together or enjoy a fun activity, such as playing mini golf, taking a hike or having a bonfire.
In addition, join us on the third Saturday of the month. On these days, we either serve together or enjoy a fun activity, such as playing mini golf, taking a hike or having a bonfire.

Weekly Groups
We believe groups are a big deal! They bring us closer together in community and draw us nearer to Jesus. Our groups meet throughout the week at varying times and locations. We'd love to connect you to a group that works best for you. Check out our group options, or contact us to learn more.